Lamentations 5:21
From The Father's Heart
My child, don't you know I am not finished with you yet? Of course there is hope for you. I have plans for you that you don't even know about yet. Your failures can be stepping stones to success, if you will let Me restore and draw you to Myself again. I cast no one away who comes to Me in brokenness and repentance. You may never understand a love like that. Just accept it as a gift from your loving Father.
A Grateful Response
Each time I step backward, You push me forward again. You take me as a master restorer would an old piece of fine furniture covered with streaks of paint and dust, retrieved from its attic burial place, and restore, polish, and renew my dull spirit. Even when I want to, You won't let me quit. I praise You for Your restoration, Lord.
Simple Truth
There are no "has beens" in God's kingdom-only "can becomes."

"See, I lay a stone in Zion,
a chosen and precious cornerstone."
1Peter 2:6
From The Father's Heart
My child, the most basic element of a home is its cornerstone or foundation. Without a sturdy "stone" in place, a house will shift and fall at the first storm. You, too, need that firm foundation in your life. Never forget that without Me, you are nothing. When you build upon that cornerstone, nothing can destroy that home.
A Grateful Response
You are the cornerstone around which my life is built. You, a holy and righteous God, have chosen me to become a living stone-a piece of the rock. Together with other stones, Lord, You have given me the privilege of building a living temple to honor You. Jesus, You are precious.
Simple Truth
Our hope is built on nothing less than a foundation of God's faithfulness.

of greater worth than gold,
which perishes even though refined by fire-
may be proved genuine and may result in praise.
1 Peter 1:7
From The Father's Heart
My child, if I never allowed your faith to be tested, and if I never turned up the heat, how would you experience My deliverance? Would you settle for a dull finish, or would you rather reflect My light? Hold My hand tightly. We'll walk through the fire together.
A Grateful Response
Who wants to go through the fire, Lord? Yet, even in the hottest flames, You are with me. Sometimes it hurts when the outside layers are burned away. And just when I think I can stand it no longer, I see gold, Lord. I praise You for what I am becoming in Jesus. Thank You for being my refiner.
Simple Truth
Whatever comes my way has already passed God's inspection.

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark,
Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place,
where he prayed.
Mark 1:35
From The Father's Heart
My child, a thousand things fill your mind and heart. You are so busy, but you are not invincible. Take time to meet Me early in the day. I will always meet you where you are and bring you to where I am. But you must give Me first place. Come often. I will be waiting for you.
A Grateful Response
Even You needed solitude, Lord. When the crowds pressed in, and the energies seeped out, You recharged with power from heaven. I, too, Lord, need time with You to recharge my spiritual battery-so I can keep going and going and going. Thank You for Your example, Lord.
Simple Truth
When you practice the presence of God and pursue His
person daily, the performance always follows.

the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
Psalm 121:5-6
From The Father's Heart
My child, can you feel the heat? An irate employer, heavy family demands, physical limitations that threaten to dry up your stamina? From morning until night, you can rest under the shade of My love. You will find your joy restored as you take time to remember all I have done for you-and all I will do in the future.
A Grateful Response
The sun's rays cannot harden my heart or parch my joy as long as You are beside me, Lord. Even in the nighttime, Your hand is a shade from the cold and a light in my darkness. Your presence reminds me daily that I can rest quietly and confidently in You, Lord.
Simple Truth
Sometimes what we need most is simply to rest.

he has become my salvation.
Psalm 118:14
From The Father's Heart
My child, relax and close your eyes. Do you not hear it? Not in the thunderous storm, though it is there. Not in the tornado's whirlwind, though it hovers in the air. Not in the devastating fire, though My presence follows you even there. Listen to that still, small voice. My song will rise from the ashes of your heart; in the calmness of your spirit you can hear Me. The music is My gift to you.
A Grateful Response
When the music of my life has faded away, You are still there. The notes of discord threaten my joy, yet, in the distance, I hear the stirring of a new melody. Because of You, my heart can rejoice with praises again. You are the music. You are the melody. You are my song.
Simple Truth
His song is with us through the night; when morning comes, there is light.

he humbled himself and became obedient to death-
even death on a cross!
Philippians 2:8
From The Father's Heart
My child, do you long for greater service or more appreciation? Remember that joy comes from My applause. Those who serve Me humbly and patiently will receive their due reward. When you humble yourself before Me, I will lift you up and set you in places you never dreamed were possible. I gave My all for you with no regrets. And one day, you will hear My "Well done" in person.
A Grateful Response
Heaven was at Your disposal, Lord, yet You humbled Yourself and came to earth. You exchanged a crown of glory for a wreath of thorns. You traded a royal robe for my own filthy rags. You gave up kingship for Sonship. You gave up life for death. I owe everything to You, Lord.
Simple Truth
The applause of God is all that matters.

From The Father's Heart
My child, your independent spirit sometimes gets in the way of My work. Trust Me to work through you. Dependency on Me is not a weakness but, rather, shows your willingness to obey and exchange your agenda for Mine. I did not say, "God helps those who help themselves." Rather, "God helps those who depend on Him."
A Grateful Response
If You depended solely on Your Father for strength, Lord Jesus, how much more do I need You? When I try on my own, every effort fails. When I depend on my own strength, I am too weak. I desire to mirror You, Jesus. Thank You for modeling the Father. I depend on You.
Simple Truth
Every believer needs to celebrate Declaration of Dependence Day, daily.

and saves those who
are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18
From The Father's Heart
My child, do you know that when you hurt, I hurt? Pain is no stranger to Me. I have been there, and I understand. I'll walk with you through your fires, and I'll wipe away your tears. When you cannot walk alone, I will carry you. Lean on Me today.
A Grateful Response
It is You, Lord, who heals my broken heart. You stand nearby, ready to wrap loving arms around me when the hurt becomes too great to bear. When my dreams are crushed, You, not time, are the great healer. You feel my hurts, Lord-even more than I do.
Simple Truth
There are no sorrows greater than our God can heal; there are no hurts deeper than He can feel.

For who in the skies above
can compare with the Lord?
he is more awesome than all who surround him.
Psalm 89:6-7
From The Father's Heart
My child, are you struggling with the rigors of life's existence? Turn to Me. Is there a problem you don't understand? Let Me help. Look around My world. Would someone who created the mysteries of the universe abandon you without a clue? Your welfare is My business!
A Grateful Response
Scientists and archaeologists marvel at heaven and earth's mysteries. All the genius of human inventions cannot compare to the creativity of Your hands. The birth of an infant, the design of the snowflake, and the intricacy of the human body are all too marvelous to comprehend. O God, You are awesome.
Simple Truth
The beauty of a golden sunset is God's "Amen" to a perfect day.

who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ
even when we were dead in transgressions.
From The Father's Heart
My child, I know your lifeless condition apart from Me. I've seen you at your worst. Yet My heart yearns for your fellowship. That's why I showed My mercy even when you didn't deserve it. I pardoned your eternal prison sentence when you lived on death row. I love you infinitely more than you are capable of loving Me.
A Grateful Response
Like the woman at the well or the beggar by the road, I am overwhelmed by Your mercy and goodness. For giving Your love freely, for pardoning completely my selfish nature, for accepting me unconditionally long before I knew You-I thank You, Lord.
Simple Truth
We sometimes settle for drops of mercy when God wants to give us showers of blessing.

My child, who am I? Where did I come from? Are you frustrated trying to explain My character and existence? Before the world existed, I was. Before you ever knew Me, I am. Ad long after this world has passed away, I will still be. I am more than a higher power or an explosion in the universe. I am beyond your understanding; yet because of our relationship, I can fellowship with you. I am that I am.
A Grateful Response
"Prove there is a God, some say. But Lord, the evidence waits to be tested and experienced. I see You in a thousand sunsets, and I commune with You daily in the garden of my heart. By faith, You are and You were. You always will be the great "I Am."
Simple Truth
He is the "I Am" And I am His.

We are the clay, you are the potter;
we are all the work of your hand.
Isaiah 64:8
From The Father's Heart
My child, did you know I designed the shape of your life? The clay doesn't ask the potter, "Why did you make me this way?" You may think your flaws and mistakes disqualify you for usefulness, but I control the potter's wheel. I have chosen you for My glory. Remember, broken vessels often reflect My beauty and light the most.
A Grateful Response
With firm but gently hands You take this lump of clay-my life-and form it into a vessel of beauty and honor. When I refuse to lie still in Your skilled hands, You patiently remake me from the marred, broken pieces. Thank You for creating me in Your image, Lord.
Simple Truth
If we are not content with who we are, then we are not content with who God is.

his greatness no one can fathom.
Psalm 145:3
From The Father's Heart
My child, there is nothing insignificant in your life. I care about it all. You may feel small in My presence because I am a God who moves beyond the finite mind. But you are important to Me. Your worship is sweet music to My ears that makes our relationship close.
A Grateful Response
Down through the ages men and women have tried to understand Your greatness. Each generation searches for words to describe You, Lord. And even when I open my mouth to voice Your praise, I am speechless. I stand in awe with all of creation and applaud You, God. How great You are!
Simple Truth
When we are right with God, we are at home in His presence.

My child, when your heart is full of fear, run to Me. Don't look anxiously about you, or live by "what ifs." No matter where you are, or what you're doing, just speak the name of Jesus. I will not always remove you from danger, but I am always right beside you, dispensing My angels wherever you go. Those whom I love, I also protect.
A Grateful Response
Winter's blast has come at last, but in the chill of each new morning, Your warmth hovers near, Lord, to protect Your creation, both great and small. Whatever the danger, wherever we go, You are a wall of protection, guarding every step we take. In You I am safe, Lord.
Simple Truth
The only safe place is in Jesus.

how excellent is thy name
in all the earth!
Psalm 8:1
From The Father's Heart
My child, My world is no mistake. I designed every part of creation for your celebration and enjoyment. With every breath and every stroke of My hand, I've painted you a picture of excellence. I've given you My very best. Why? So you would recognize who I am wherever you go.
A Grateful Response
Who can describe Your beauty, Lord? Who can praise You adequately? Your work in the heavens and here on earth is without comparison. Each minute detail is created perfectly with divine order. All of creation cries out in unison, "You're the best, Lord."
Simple Truth
God is not capable of anything less than the best.

He will come in and go out, and find pasture."
John 10:9
From The Father's Heart
My child, remember that a gate provides both protection and freedom. It will give you helpful boundaries and keep the enemy at bay. But it will also grant you entrance to sweet, refreshing pastures. I have given you the key. I am that gate. Come, and find rest for your soul.
A Grateful Response
You laid down Your very life for me, Lord, as a gateway to heaven. In You I find rest, hope, comfort, and joy. Why should I look for greener pastures? Everything I desire is found in You. I love You, Lord.
Simple Truth
God's limits on our freedom are only opportunities to trust Him more.

My child, I hear your cries for help. I am never too busy to come. I am only a prayer away. Are you being chased by shadows of your past? Are your circumstances robbing you of strength? Come to Me. I am your rock-solid shelter. There you can rest, until your heart is strong enough to travel again.
A Grateful Response
You are the stabilizing force in my life, Lord. I am but a pebble, but You are my rock, my hiding place in a world that is shaky and uncertain. Blessed be the rock. Your strength is awesome.
Simple Truth
Jesus is the solid rock of our foundation

From The Father's Heart
My child, I am not your enemy. Celebrate the victory that I won for you. The prisoners of war in your heart have been set free! You are not bound by old patterns and habits anymore. I am not only your peace, but I am your bridge over troubled waters. Because you have peace with Me, you have direct access to My kingdom.
A Grateful Response
Jesus, You stand as a bridge, bringing me to the Father. Your sacrifice ripped away the wall of separation and ushered me into God's presence. Your death made possible my life. The price You paid sealed my peace treaty with God. We are no longer enemies but friends, Lord.
Simple Truth
Peace is not a feeling; it is a person.

But thou, O Lord
art a shield for me;
my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
Psalm 3:3
From The Father's Heart
My child, when your shoulders are drooping, and your heart is heavy, look to Me. Life is filled with ordinary days, but I can make them extraordinary if you let Me. I care about your concerns. I will not only lift your eyes toward heaven, so you can get a glimpse of My glory, but I will also lift the burdens of your heart. Trust Me.
A Grateful Response
Morning by morning, Lord, You lift me high above the cares of my world, far beyond the enemies of fear, depression, rejection, and discouragement. With pride and satisfaction, I can see on a clear day forever-a sneak preview of my permanent heavenly place with You. Thank You, Lord, for visions of hope.
Simple Truth
Looking up always gives us a fresh perspective.

From The Father's Heart
My child, I sense your hunger to grow. No one who seeks My presence leaves empty. I will feed you, body, soul, and spirit. Come, sit at My feet daily, and we will share together. I've baked an abundance of delicious bread you've never even tasted. My manna is not of this world, but once you eat it, you will never be hungry again. I will fill you up with Myself.
A Grateful Response
From the day I was born, You have known me. These hands You have designed to reach out in love; these feet You have prepared to run swiftly; this mouth You have formed to feed others, as You have fed me daily. You fill my hungry life, Lord, with Your very presence.
Simple Truth
Why eat crumbs from the beggar's table, when we can feast with the King?

and going both now and forevermore.
Psalm 121:8
From The Father's Heart
My child, do not be afraid, even when you are alone. You are never out of My sight. You can never be lost from My presence. At all times you are under My watchful eye. Listen closely, and I will tell you which direction to take. Read My words. Like a flashlight in the dark, they will light the way for you-one step at a time.
A Grateful Response
At times, my eyes are blind to the dangers ahead. Emotionally and physically exhausted, I look to you, my source, to guard me. Like an ancient sentinel on guard for the enemy, You alert me from Your watchtower. Your angels are before me, behind me, and beside me.
Simple Truth
The journey is not so hard when your eyes are on the Lord.

"For I will forgive their wickedness
and will remember their sins no more."
From The Father's Heart
My child, of course I know your past. Why do you wrestle with something that I so long ago forgave? My death paid for your wrong actions and attitudes. The "books" are now balanced. I no longer hold you accountable for what you did in the past. You are forgiven. Now let Me fill those clean pages with a future that I have designed especially for you. Hold your head up, but keep your heart bowed before Me. Together, let's press on to the prize for which I have called you.
A Grateful Response
Lord, the past is gone, and I must leave it behind. Although I remember my sins well, You have thrown them into the sea of forgetfulness. You remember them no more; You refuse to hold me responsible for what You have forgiven. If You forgive me so completely, can I do any less?
Simple Truth
God will never abandon a repentant heart.

" I am the good shepherd;
I know my sheep and my sheep know me."
John 10:14
From the Father's Heart
My child, you may think you know where the pastures are greener. At times you may even try to sneak under the fence or walk another path. But as your good shepherd, I know your name. And I will never stop looking for you and calling you back. You may not understand My reason for boundaries, but the gate is there to protect you. I will feed you with nourishing food-not just for your body, but for your soul. I will give you rest, refreshment, and joy for your journey. Stay close, because I am all you need.
A Grateful Response
Wherever I go-up steep mountain paths, through the deep valleys and green pastures, or around still waters-You walk beside me, refreshing my spirit and restoring my soul. If I stray, You pursue me until I can rest safely in Your arms again. What a wonderful shepherd You are!
Simple Truth
You can't hear the shepherd's voice if you're always following the wrong sheep.

an ever-present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1
From The Father's Heart
My child, sit down in the boat. Don't look at the billowing waves or the sea spewing its anger in all directions. I made the wind and the sea; they listen and obey My voice. I walk on the clouds, and they thunder the their praise. I blink My eyes, and lightning reflects My power. I hold out My hand, and the storms are stilled. So, take My hand, sit down, and relax. Do you think the God who knows the number of hairs on your head will abandon you in your greatest hour of need? Be still, My child. You are safe with Me.
A Grateful Response
When the storms rage around me, I can always run to You and rest, Lord. In turbulent times, in trials and temptations, in weakness or in fear, You are my strength, and Your hiding place is secure. Bless You, Lord, for being my refuge.
Simple Truth
If God does not rescue us immediately, it is only because He has a greater purpose in mind. He will still give us peace in the center of our storms.

They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23
From The Father's Heart
My child, are you struggling with failure? My compassion has no end. While I will not compromise My plan for obedience, I am not deaf to your cries for help. What you see as the point of no return, I see as the possibility of a new beginning. I have no desire to destroy you or My dreams for you. Like a father loves his child, I, too, love you. Rest in Me daily, and let Me demonstrate My love and compassion to you.
A Grateful Response
No matter what I did yesterday, You stand before me each new morning with outstretched arms, inviting me to start over. You see me not as I was, but as I am becoming. Your compassion overwhelms me and draws me even closer to You, Lord.
Simple Truth
God's plan is never destruction, only restoration.

And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor
From The Father's Heart
My child, I see your confused and hurting heart. You are facing a mountain of decisions, yet you feel paralyzed and helpless to act. I am always ready to counsel you, not with chiding words or accusing fingers but with arms of love. Rest in Me a while, and soon you will see the clouds disappear. I will put My thoughts within you to help you make wise choices. Trust Me today.
A Grateful Response
Amid the hurt, joy, and unanswered questions, You are there with listening ears and compassionate eyes. With discerning thought and gentle affirmation, You speak directly to the issues of my life. No one but You knows how the patterns of my life fit together. Thank You, Lord, for always being there.
Simple Truth
God is never the author of confusion. His counsel is 100 percent accurate.

The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
Isaiah 40:28
From The Father's Heart
My child, when your thoughts are filled with the ugliness of the world, remember it is not I who erased the beauty. I splashed the parched ground with paint drops of color. I nestled my creatures safely together like clustered jewels and carved out a home for each one. Every day is a personalized tapestry of love from Me to you. From the beginning, I planted My beauty in your heart so you could see life through My eyes. Those who cannot acknowledge the glory of My creation will not recognize Me.
A Grateful Response
From the splendor of mountain majesty to the simplicity of desert plain, I see Your hand at work, Lord-a heavenly original. All Your creatures show the uniqueness of Your glory, the pride of Your handiwork, and the tenderness of Your love. Thank You for beauty, Lord.
Simple Truth
God loves for us to celebrate with Him the finished work of His own hands: "It is good! It is good! It is good.!"

From The Father's Heart
My child, because you are anxious about so many things, I want you to look to My Word for assurance. Remember how I fulfilled every promise I made. Look at My servants Abraham, Isaac, Ruth, David, and a host of mighty men and women throughout Scripture. I love you, too, just as I loved them. As I was faithful to My covenant with them, so I will be faithful to you. I always keep My Word.
A Grateful Response
As I look back over my life, Lord, I see the tracks of Your faithfulness. Sometimes carrying me, sometimes walking beside me, You are always the same. Time after time, even when I fail You, Lord, Your promises remain. You are always true to Your Word.
Great is Your faithfulness.
Simple Truth
It is impossible for God to break His promises. He and His Word are the same.

In that day the Branch of the Lord
will be beautiful and glorious.
Isaiah 4:2
My child, I've heard your cries and protests. When the heat is turned up, My love rises even higher. Do you not know I see and hear the injustices you feel? Do you not realize I am providing for you even in the moments of your greatest frustrations? No matter where you go, I will cover you with My comforting grace.
Lord, You are a towering branch that protects me from the sweltering heat of oppression. Hovering over me, you shelter me with the shade of Your Spirit each day. I have felt the refreshing breath of You presence, and I am grateful for the sweetness of your comfort. O Lord, how beautiful is Your name!
God's mercies never dry up. His "branches" will always reach far enough to cover us.

the Beginning and the End."
Revelation 21:6
From The Father's Heart
My child, you are often confused about who I am and where you are going. When you arise in the morning, I am there with you. When you work through the day, you will find Me close by. From the time you open your eyes until I close them in sleep at night, I am always with you, ready to guide you. Do not worry about knowing how you fit into My plans. Be concerned only with knowing Me and spending time together. Your future is in My hands.
A Grateful Response
In Your time, Lord, every step is ordered and every thought recorded. You know the past, present, and future. You have planned every day of my life with purpose and love. Gently but firmly You are preparing a glorious ending for me in heaven. I give my life into Your safekeeping. How marvelous is Your wisdom!
Simple Truth
Life is a journey that begins and ends with God.

and who it is that asks you...."
John 4:10
From The Father's Heart
My child, of all the gifts you receive this year, what can compare to the very first gift-Jesus? Which one offers lasting peace and eternal security? After the ribbons are torn from their brightly wrapped boxes, which ones will bring contentment and comfort and hope long after the celebrations are past? My child, keep Me in your celebration-always. And remember to celebrate with childlike faith My greatest gift to you for all time.
A Grateful Response
You are more precious than incense, more costly then gold, more fragrant than myrrh-You are the priceless gift of God. I can only offer You humble gifts-a solitary prayer, a sacrifice of gratitude and praise, a broken life. Jesus, You'll always be the very best gift to me.
Simple Truth
Jesus is the only gift that lasts forever.

And he will be called...Prince of Peace.
From the Father's Heart
My child, how the world longs for peace! Just as I wept over My beloved Jerusalem and My people's rejection of Me, I mourn when men and women today look for peace-in everything but Me. As Prince of Peace, I was born not to rule government, but to rule and bring peace to hearts everywhere. I love when you look to Me for peace, My child. I give you My peace-peace with God and the peace of God, both found in Me.
A Grateful Response
Your arrival brought great promise: peace to all the world. Some came seeking an end to oppression; others expected a prince to rule. As Prince of Peace, You brought the only lasting peace-not with the world, but with God. And You came to rule in the heart, not on an earthly throne. Thank You for Your peace, Lord.
Simple Truth
When Jesus entered the world, peace entered our hearts.

Therefore strong peoples will honor you;
cities of ruthless nations will revere you.
Isaiah 25:3
My child, in the same way that I revere My Father, I enjoy when you reverence My Father. And I enjoy when you reverence My name. When you speak the name of Jesus softly, like an adoring child, My arms open wide to receive you. And when you shout My name boldly in the presence of the enemy, I send heaven's host rushing to your defense. Know that when you bow at My feet and offer tears of gratitude and repentance, My love engulfs you and receives your praises gladly. These are holy moments to Me.
Even Your enemies hush when heaven speaks Your name. All creation bows with wonder as the night of miracles approaches. You revered Your Father, always doing what honored Him the most. I, too bow in reverence and celebrate Your coming, Lord.
There are times when a holy God desires a holy hush in His presence.

"Lord, we don't know where you are going,
so how can we know the way?"
Jesus answered, "I am the way."
My child, have you lost your way again? Do you sometimes feel like a three-year-old child standing in a huge shopping mall alone, separated from its mother? When life confuses you, and you don't know which way to turn, run home to Me. I hear your cries. You may wander away. But I never will. I am the way. Follow My footprints, and you'll never lose your way home.
You are my bridge over troubled waters, the path to light my feet. Without You in my life, I have no direction, Lord. I depend on You for my road map of life. You not only show me the way. You are the way.
Jesus-don't leave life without Him.


the breath of the Almighty,
that gives him understanding.
Job 32:8
My child, apart from Me, you have no wisdom, and life serves no purpose. My Spirit, the breath of the Almighty, blows through your heart, soul, and mind, and fills it with heaven's thoughts and desires. Every time a positive thought is born; each time your heart swells in love toward another; whenever you experience an "ah!" moment of truth; the breath of the Almighty has been at work. It is My Spirit that draws you into My very presence.
Your Spirit is the breath of the Almighty, the One who gives me life, the One who determines my purpose here, the One who helps me understand spiritual truths. You fill up my God-shaped vacuum, Lord. Thank You for breathing on me, Holy Spirit.
Sweet breath comes from putting His words into our mouths.

a shelter from the storm.
Isaiah 25:4
My child, a storm spells different things to different people. Whether it's a job loss, a shattered reputation, a sick child, or a bankruptcy, I am a shelter from the storm. Any panic you feel isn't caused by what you're going through. Those emotions stem from what you believe-precisely what you believe about Me and My capabilities. Do you believe I'm able to help? Will you let Me hide you from the storm?
You're the cavern by the ocean; You're the lighthouse on the sea. You're the towering oak with leafy arms; You're the cabin in the woods. wherever danger lurks; wherever winds blow, You are my shelter from the storm. I can hide in You, Lord, until the storm has passed.
Faith is holding on to God's dreams-and letting go of your own.

But my God shall supply all your needs according to
his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19
his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19
My child, have you been begging for crumbs lately? I've prepared steak and potatoes for you, only part of a complete five-course meal. Do you think others will believe I can supply their needs if you don't believe Me? When your heart's desire is to please Me, your requests will be My desires for you. I own it all, My child. Let Me give you some of your inheritance. Let Me supply your needs.
Even when my bank account registers zero, my heart is full of Your provision, Lord. You are the supplier of my need, but not the gratifier of my wants. You are my only true resource. Thank You, Lord, for Your goodness to me.
He invites us to feast at the King's own table, where He has prepared a royal dining place.

and looking up to heaven.
he gave thanks and broke the loaves.
Matthew 14:19
My child, what's in your hand? When I once asked Moses, I turned his rod to a serpent and back again. I once asked that question of a little boy and multiplied his offering of five loaves and two fish to feed over five thousand men and their families. Whatever you have in your hand is what I will take and use, My child, to feed others and to multiply My kingdom's work. Trust My resourcefulness. What seems little to you is all I need.
Lord, You took a lump of clay and created man. You turn a desert into a springtime garden and dig a well from a mirage. You feed thousands with only crumbs. My "I think I can't" turns to "I know I can" when I look at Your resourcefulness, Lord. You're amazing.
A king deserves a royal prize, beyond all earthly measure, I'll give my heart, and nothing less-the highest of my treasure.

The Lord is longsuffering, and of great mercy,
forgiving iniquity and transgression.
Numbers 14:18
My child, sometimes you are so impatient with your own and others' faults. I know it takes a lifetime to build strong character, and I know My timetable for you. Know that I am long-suffering. My patience never runs out for My children. I am the God of many chances. But remember, the longer you stay away, the harder it is to return. Don't let a single day go by without our fellowship. And while you're at it, be patient with yourself and others. My goodness leads others to repentance, just like My discipline.
Lord, You are long-suffering, slow to get angry or impatient over my faults. You never excuse my sin, but You forgive much more than seventy times seven. Your patience waters my life with fragrant drops, merciful gifts to a dry and parched spirit.
Never demand from others what you are not willing to give yourself.

Proverbs 18:24
My child, I know what it's like to be betrayed by a best friend. One of My close disciples, Judas Iscariot, turned Me over to My enemies for thirty pieces of silver. And all My disciples left Me in My time of deepest need. But I am not like that. I am your best and closest friend for life. You will never regret our friendship. Have I ever let you down?
The best of earthly friends will fail us at times. Even the closest family member will disappoint. But You are the friend who sticks closer than a brother. You are the One who loves me unconditionally. You are the One who never leaves. You are my friend for all seasons.
Jesus is the only One who will lift you up-and never let you down.

Nothing will be impossible for you."
Matthew 17:20
My child, do you still have difficulty believing anything is possible? The older you grow, the more you will have to work to see with childlike eyes of faith. A mustard seed is a tiny amount of seed-faith, but it grows into a huge shade tree. My assurance comes from My Father, whose word is all I need. Is My word good enough for you?
Lord, You loved the word impossible. No problem was too difficult for You to solve. No person was too diseased for You to heal. No life was too sinful for You to forgive. You placed Your assurance in Your heavenly Father's power, and He never failed to deliver.
A tiny grain of faith will bring a mountain full of hope.

"The one who
sowed the good seed is
the Son of Man.
Matthew 13:37
My child, every good seed that has been planted in your heart comes from Me. I grow wonderful gardens, but the soil must be prepared. I'll help you keep your heart pliable, free of hard clumps. I'll provide nourishment, but you must provide the soil. I need you to sit in My presence often. Soak up My showers of goodness; drink in My fertilizing love. You need ample doses of the Son in your life. Before you know it, you'll see new growth-and new plants.
You planted me, just like a seed, and from my earliest beginnings, You've watered, fed, and nourished me until I could reproduce other plants. I thank You, Lord, for being the sower of good seed in my life. My eyes are on the Son.
God adorns each day with bouquets of blessings.

Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake,
so that the waves swept over the boat.
But Jesus was sleeping.
Matthew 8:24
My child, you need reminders often that I am Lord of your rocking boat. You may think I'm asleep, but I never slumber or sleep. My eyes are always riveted on the world-and on My children's lives. But there is more at stake than your small world can acknowledge. Rest, Child. Just rest in Me. Others need your peace, not your frantic worry. Let Me be your tranquility.
Storms never bothered You, Lord. They were only opportunities to give God glory. In the midst of raging waves, when the spray of salt has drenched all hope of escape, You are still there. Your tranquility speaks peace to my soul.
If God had intended for us to swim on our own, He would not have given us a lifeboat.

you knit me together
in my mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13
From The Father's Heart
My child, your frame was not a haphazard creation. I didn't use the same mold to make cookie-cutter shapes and sizes for My children. Each one is original. No composites of DNA can ever completely duplicate your heart, soul, and spirit as I created you. I took great delight in watching each tiny finger and toe being formed in the womb. And when your tiny heart first beat within your mother, all the angels could hear Me rejoice. I make no mistakes. You're special to Me, My child.
A Grateful Response
You design each of us with intricate and delicate care, just like a tiny snowflake. There are no two the same, for You specialize in originality. Lord, You created me as one of a kind, with my own unique, designer genes. You're the best, Lord.
Simple Truth
After God breathed life into you, He destroyed the mold.

the glorious riches of this mystery,
which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Colossians 1:27
From The Father's Heart
My child, if you never had any tunnels to go through, and if you never experienced despair, why would you need to hope? I have a purpose in everything, even suffering. Sometimes that purpose is to show you that I am your only hope of glory. I'm the only One who knows the intricate mysteries of life. And I choose to pour out those riches to you, My child, because you are in Christ. In darkness or in light, I will always be that hope for you.
A Grateful Response
When hope is only a dot on the horizon, You flood my life with showers of encouragement. My hope is in You, Lord: You are my destination; You are my consolation; You are my celebration. You are Christ in me, my hope of glory.
Simple Truth
Hope is a paint drop of color in an ordinary day.

How vast is the sum of them!
Psalm 139:17
My child, I'm thrilled to see you today. I always am. You were on My mind long before your birth, and every day I'm thinking up new ways to bless you and use you to bless others. If you tried to count My thoughts, you'd tire before the day ended. They are as numerous as the grains of sand on the beach. How do I really feel about you? Precious is your middle name. I hope you'll always feel the same about me.
You never forget my birthday, Lord. You're always thinking of me. Before my eyes can greet the early morning's sun, before my ears can hear the robin's first song, You're already waiting to greet me with loving anticipation. Lord, thank You for Your thoughtfulness to me.
There's not a single day but what God thinks of us, we are always on his mind.

and the earth was illuminated
by his splendor.
Revelation 18:1
My child, remember that bad things do happen to good people. You live in a fallen world. But in your darkness, I will provide light. Brighter than any angel's splendor or shining sun, I am the light. As your illumination, I will push back the dark corners of your life until you can see clearly again. I will never leave you without hope-or light.
Soon after the twilight hours are gone, as light seems to fade sadly into darkness, there You are, Lord shining as a lighthouse to guide me through the night. And soon my darkness is past, for You, my illumination, have appeared. Thank You for Your presence, Lord.
Jesus is the light of the world. We are His matches.

"I am your shield, your very great reward."
My child, do you understand all that I have planned for you? Everywhere you look, I have planted My blessings for you. Those who love Me will never be disappointed. Think of life as a treasure hunt, only let your search be for Me. Others look all their lives for meaning and purpose, but at the end of their rainbow there is no pot of gold, only heartache. When you search for Me, you will find great, abundant treasure. I am your very great reward.
Lord, I need no wreaths or victory crowns. My life deserves no praise. You are enough, just to see Your face and to live in Your presence forever. You are my great reward. With thankful adoration, I can share in a royal celebration forever.
To see His face, His smile-a goal worthwhile.

The angel said to me,
"These words are trustworthy and true."
Revelation 22:6
My child, have you read My account lately of heaven and of life's final events? Exciting, isn't it? You don't understand it all? You don't have to. Sounds too beautiful to be true? Golden streets, crystal rivers, tree of life with fruit for healing-trust Me, My child. These pictures can't begin to describe the beauty of heaven. My name and My words are the same. I am Trustworthiness-and everything I have said in My word I will do.
From Your very first command, "Let there be light," to the last "Amen" announcing Your second coming, You have trustworthiness. Not a single word will pass away, not a word of truth will be lost, because Your words never return void. How faithful You have been in my life! I trust You, Lord.
God has prepared a place where every dream can find fulfillment, and every hope can find a home.

But the Lord is my defense;
and my God is the rock of my refuge.
Psalm 94:22
My child, do I need to open your eyes as I did to My servant long ago? In the heat of battling your habits and temptations, or when circumstances try your patience and faith, remember I am your defense. My angels do hand-to-hand combat at My command. You may not see them, but they surround you, day in and day out. Open your eyes of faith. The battle is mine.
Like a veteran returning home from foreign wars, I see the scars of battle, those incurred when I fought apart from Your strength. But when I depend on You alone to man the front line for me, I'm a victor every time. Lord, thank You for being my defense. I'm glad You're on my side.
Like a shining star, He lights our path, even in the dark.

and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Hebrews 11:6
My child, do you know how much I enjoy rewarding My children? I love when you go on treasure hunts in My Word. I've hidden so many special treats there, just for your eyes. They will bless your socks off! I am the rewarder of those who diligently seek Me with their whole hearts. I've never yet turned away one who sincerely came looking for Me, and who really believed who I was. And I never will. Some rewards are for now; others are waiting for you in heaven. Your faith, My child, is what pleases Me.
Lord, You do not play hide and seek with Your children. You're the rewarder, always waiting at the end of my search, like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Lord, the reward of Your applause, Your familiar "well done" is all that really matters.
Each journey with God is an adventure of faith.

"Can anyone teach knowledge to God,
since he judges even the highest?"
Job 21:22
My child, pride is a dangerous thing. Be careful, lest the knowledge you acquire puff you up and make you obnoxious to others. The one who gives ready answers without thinking is like a cloud that brings no rain. I am knowledge itself, and though learning from others is beneficial, I am your ultimate source of information. Check out My words in Scripture. There, you'll find everything you need for holy and righteous living. Knowledge without love is useless.
Those who tried to confuse and correct You were silenced by Your knowledge, Lord. Who can argue with the God of the universe? Who would dare to correct the God Most High? Yet at times, even I have questioned You, Lord. Your knowledge is too great for me to begin to understand.
Better to have a big heart than a big head.

One thing I ask of the Lord...
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple.
Psalm 27:4
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple.
Psalm 27:4
My child, My beauty is for you to enjoy. Everything I've created, I've made for you. Look around. There's beauty in the earth and skies, in every field and flower, in every creature that walks on earth. And My beauty is in you, Child. You don't see it? Maybe it's because you're looking in the wrong mirror again. You are beautiful to Me.
When I think about the beauty of Your creation, who am I, Lord, that You consider me? Yet as magnificent as Your works are, there is no comparison to Your own beauty. My one desire is to be a God-seeker, not a people-pleaser, and that I could live in Your home and worship You forever.
Beauty is in the eye of the believer

the righteous run to it and are safe.
Proverbs 18:10
My child, when terror rises up like an erupting volcano, stop, drop, and pray. Cry out to Me, and in those precious moments, you will feel a surge of courage as you've never known. Call My name, and you'll sense an invisible tower looming out of nowhere. Run to it. I'll be waiting there for you with open arms.
I cry, "Father" and a thousand currents of lightning carry Your name to the highest heavens. Farther than the eye can see or the ear can hear, You are waiting to rescue me. You are my tower, a place of safety and refuge daily.
We need not fear, for with every step, and every place, God is near.

a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.
Isaiah 61:3
My child, do you sometimes feel like a tiny acorn surrounded by huge oak trees? I hear your sighs. I know how badly you want to grow, yet there are times you may see no progress at all. Trust Me. I am the planter. It takes years to grow a sturdy oak. Don't be impatient. Just because you can't see the branches doesn't mean My power is not at work in you. Your labor is not in vain. In time, you, too will become an oak that offers shade and blessing to many.
At times I've wished to be a strong, study oak, or maybe a pine whose green branches grace the forest all year. Yet sometimes I feel like I'll always be a twig. You decide what I'll be, according to your divine plan. I'll bloom, Lord, wherever I'm planted.
He is the planter; we are the seed.

and underneath are the everlasting arms.
Deuteronomy 33:27
My child, do you fear stepping out in faith? Are you like that baby eagle, trembling before you try out your wings? Are you looking down at the ground or up at the sky? Remember, at the moment you exercise your faith wings, I am there to catch you if you fall. Underneath the thin air you will find a cushion awaiting your landing. My everlasting arms will be your pillow.
When I'm afraid or hurting, I run to You to find refuge. Halfway there, You meet me, Lord, with arms open wide. Tenderly, You scoop me up, and there, in Your everlasting arms I rest until the fear and pain are gone. You're such a comfort, Lord.
Faith gives wings to our dreams.

By the meekness and gentleness of Christ,
I appeal to you.
2 Corinthians 10:1
My child, is My gentleness such a difficult character trait to mirror? Perhaps it is because you confuse it with weakness. I only reflect My Father's personality. If the awesome God of the universe, who has all power and all might, could still care about the fall of one sparrow or hug a child to His heart with the tender love of a mother, can you not believe gentleness is a virtue? Let Me fill you with My gentleness. It's impossible on your own.
The gentleness of Jesus is not just for babes, but for every one of God's children. Lord, You treat each one of us as a fragile flower, a delicate blossom to be handled with care. Thank You for Your gentle and personal attention.
Jesus is God's personal hug to us.

Thanks be to God
for His indescribable gift!
2 Corinthians 9:15
My child, the next time you are feeling unimportant or slighted, remember again My indescribable gift to you-the gift of Myself. To the common observer, My life on earth had a humble beginning and a tragic ending. But the trained eye will recognize heaven's love gift as the One to all the world. I exclude no one. Those who reject the gift choose their own fate. Take the indescribable gift of My presence-and offer it to those I send your way. It will change their lives forever.
Of all the gifts I've ever received, none compares to You, Lord. You are the indescribable gift, packaged with love and sent with heaven's blessing. Thank You for the wonderful gift of Yourself-the gift that keeps on giving and giving.
One heart to give in simple faith, one testimony true, one gift, one song, one life, one heart-I give them, Lord, to you.

All your words are true;
all your righteous laws are eternal.
Psalm 119:160
My child, you can never add or subtract anything from My words. They are infallible, as am I . Others may try to change the rules in midstream, reinventing codes and creeds that fit their lifestyles and pleasures. But My Word and My principles still stand. Test them, My child. See if I will not pour out a blessing upon you and the ones for whom you pray. Trust My decisions and My infallible character. You will see one day how the puzzle of your life fits together.
You are the only One who ever lived that has infallibility. Human error abounds, but You are the perfect rose, the spotless lamb, the purest gold. Though You make allowance for my errors, You never make mistakes.
Our perfectionism will drive us to failure, but our dependency will lead us to God.

How many are your works, O Lord!
In wisdom you made them all.
Psalm 104:24
My child, did you know I had dreams, too? Who do you think designed every four-legged creature, every flower petal, and every winged insect? Who hung the stars in space and hollowed out the ground? Who raised the earth until it loomed majestically toward the sky in snow-covered brilliance? And who wrote the prescription for your eyes, hair, body shape, and gifts? My imagination lets Me dream big dreams, and My power accomplishes them. All things are possible through Me, My child.
You wrap the mountains in a coat of majesty and sprinkle the earth with heaven's manna. You dot the night skies with Your magnificence, reminding me of my insignificance. You paint the earth with a multitude of colors. Lord, I love Your imagination.
The wonder of God's creation is surpassed only by the beauty of His love.

Do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
My child, when others question you in your hour of trial-"Where will you find a job now?" "What are your plans?" "Why did this happen?" "Can you really do that?"-here is how you can respond. Say these words: "My Father knows the answers. And I trust His leadership. No matter where I go, or what He asks me to do, I know He will be with me. I'm not afraid because my leader is trustworthy. He will never leave me alone." It will strengthen their faith-and yours.
Following You has never been easy, Lord, but it has always brought rewards. Thank You for Your leadership, for walking the path before me. Even when the load gets too heavy to bear, for the rest of the way, You carry me there.
God will never lead you where His angels cannot keep you.

The revelation of Jesus Christ,
which God gave him to show his servants
what must soon take place.
Revelation 1:1
My child, are you curious about the future? Does your heart feel any dread at the thought of coming events? Let Me comfort you, because I am the revelation. My Father controls the future, and you need not fear when you know Me. He has revealed much of life's final episodes through My testimony and the words of My faithful servants. You don't need to understand everything. What is required is that you love Me with all your heart, and that you're ready for My coming.
Lord, You did not abandon us in some deep cave shrouded in mystery. Future events are not left to chance but are well planned in the Father's mind. You, Lord, are the revelation-showing us God's nature, reputation, will, and our future. Thank You for including me in Your future.
Tomorrow is never a question when God is in control.

The Lord knows the thoughts of man;
he knows that they are futile.
Psalm 94:11
My child, whatever you think about in your heart determines what kind of a person you are. Ask daily for My perception. Every negative thought is like a poisonous pill that feeds your circulation with defeat. Let My thoughts penetrate your heart and soul so that you can keep heaven on your mind.
As I bring each thought to You, Lord, You shape it into a beautiful flower. You know the deepest things in my heart, and only with Your mind can I think about things that are pure, lovely, and of good report. Thank You for Your perception, Lord.
Each day brings new celebrations to mind as we trace the threads of His faithfulness and love.

He will not grow tired or weary
Isaiah 40:28
My child, does your heart lack "get up and go"? Is your faith anemic? Do your knees buckle each time I call on you for a special task? Are you approaching emotional burnout? Cease your striving. You'll wear out if you don't. Wait on Me. Let Me empower you. My supernatural energy will keep you going and going and going.
When light streams through my window, and morning calls too soon, You remind me that You are my strength, Lord. Your energy becomes mine, as we plan the day together. You're what keeps me going, Lord.
In the arms of God, we'll find a resting place, a refuge for our weary hearts. In His love He'll walk beside us, holding our cares gently in His hands.
In the arms of God, we'll find a resting place, a refuge for our weary hearts. In His love He'll walk beside us, holding our cares gently in His hands.

and are justified freely by his grace
Through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Romans 3:23-24
My child, sometimes I see you trying to strain for My approval like a child acting out to get his parent's attention. Your activities, busyness and good works add nothing to our relationship unless they are done because of your love for Me-and not to earn My favor. I am the justifier, who made you pleasing in My Father's eyes, not because of your performance, but because of My death.
How could I measure up to a holy, righteous God as You? I fall short, again and again. Yet because of Your love and grace, You are the justifier-treating me as if I had never sinned. Because of Your death, every sunrise is a brand-new day to welcome with joy.
God's thoughts never change toward His children. Day by day, He showers us with new mercies, unlimited grace, and unending love.

"You will be called
Repairer of Broken Walls."
Isaiah 58:12
My child, all My children suffer "breakdowns" in their walls at one time or another. Those gaps in your armor where sin has broken through, those tears in your heart that thoughtless actions ripped away, those tornadoes that whipped through your life without a warning-I've seen them all, My child. But I am the Repairer of Broken Walls-and that includes your heart. Renovation is My specialty. I'm always gentle but thorough. Give Me your heart daily. I'll do the rest.
Just like the broken-down walls of Your beloved city Jerusalem, my life had been broken beyond repair. Yet You took the remains and mended the damage, restoring what was destroyed. You are the Repairer of Broken Walls and because of You, I now stand complete. Thank You, Jesus.
Time alone never truly heals. Only the Father's touch can restore completely what was lost.

Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven,
whose sins are covered.
Psalm 32:1
My child, sin leaves you exposed to all kinds of catastrophes-like trudging through a blizzard in shorts or walking through hot coals barefooted. But My death, My blood, and My love form a covering for you. No longer can the sins of the past haunt you. Live in My joy and freedom and in My covering of love and forgiveness. My favor rests on those who have asked-and received-My forgiveness.
Lord, You send a blanket of love, like new-fallen snow, to cover my life parched with sin. As time goes by, You melt each flake, never stopping to look underneath the covers. Soon blossoms appear where nothing grew before, as You replace the desert with springtime. You are my covering, Lord.
Is there a safer, warmer place to be than beneath the covering of God's arms?

holiness adorns your house for endless days, O Lord.
Psalm 93:5
My child, though your enemies try to shake you to the core, you can stand firm. Because I am with you, you need never stumble or fall. I am rock solid, and I will be your firm foundation when everything else is crumbling around you. Give Me your hand and hold on tight. Together we can withstand any "earthquake."
I have not built my faith on sinking sand or crumbling rocks. Your Word, Your very nature, has firmness, Lord. And as long as I plant my life in the center of Yours, I can stand confidently. Lord, You and Your Word will never end.
When the only place we can look is up, He is faithful to meet us and greet us at our point of need.

The Jews were amazed and asked,
"How did this man get such learning without having studied?"
John 7:15
My child, all the degrees in the world will not make you more like Me. But I have given you the mind of Christ, and I expect you to use that mind to its fullest capacity. Meditate on My words daily. Others were astounded at My intelligence because I spoke My Father's words. When your time comes to speak, trust Me. Don't rely on your own intelligence, or you will fail every time. Open your mouth, and I will fill it with My words.
Those who listened to Your words found no Ph.D. following Your name. You were taught at the knee of Your Father. You spoke not Your own words, but the words of God. Lord, I praise You for Your intelligence.
Lord, teach us to open the doors of our minds, and shut the doors of our mouths.

"The Father loves the Son
and has placed everything in his hands."
John 3:35
My child, are you ready for more responsibility? Are you ready for Me to enlarge your area of influence? As you prove faithful in small things, I will give you more to handle. My Father entrusted Me with His plan for the world. My dependability is an example for you, My child. If I ask you to do anything beyond your resources, it is so that you will trust Me to work through you and give Me glory. When you're ready, just ask. I'll stretch your abilities-and your territory.
There was no job too hard for You to complete, no responsibility too difficult for You to handle, no burden too heavy for You to bear. God entrusted His power, love, nature-His all-into Your hands, Lord. Because You have dependability, I trust You with my life.
It only takes one-plus Jesus.

"And we know that this man really is
the Savior of the world."
John 4:42
My child, it was for you I died-you and the whole world. I came to rescue the ones lost in their own world of suffering and meaningless confusion. I came to open blind eyes, long closed to the truth. I came to open the gates of prisoners whose hearts were hardened by hatred. I am the Savior of the world, and whoever believes in Me for their salvation will never die. But I am also your personal Savior, continually freeing you from strongholds that threaten our fellowship.
Lord, You walked into my prison of darkness and broke the chains that had bound me for years. You are not just my Savior. You have released prisoners from fear and shame for centuries. All power and might belong to You-my Savior, God, redeemer, and friend.
Who in their right mind would want to reenter prison after tasting freedom?

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
My child, waiting is hard for you sometimes, isn't it? All good things come to those who wait for Me. You are anxious about many things, but you can trust My precision. As long as there is life and breath, there will always be seasons. And as long as I rule the world-which is forever-you can count on My perfect timing in your life. All things are beautiful in their time-even you, My child, especially you.
Spring waters the parched ground. Summer's sunshine wraps each flower with a warm coat. Each golden leaf falls as if on cue, and nature waits with hushed voice, as You seal winter with a kiss of sleep. Thank You for Your precision, Lord. You're always on time.
Trust holds on....when fear lets go.

"You see the people crowding against you,"
his disciples answered,
"and yet you can ask, "Who touched me?"
My child, no matter how large My world grows, and no matter how many children I have, there is room in My heart for every one of them. I especially hear the cries of My hurting children and feel the touch of faith from those who press through to reach My heart. I want all to come to Me, and none to perish. I am aware of every heartfelt need, every devastating pain, every crushing blow you face. Reach out and touch Me, My child, and I will make you whole.
You see my face, speak my name, and touch my life, even among a thousand other people. How is it that You, who care for so many, still have time for me? Your awareness of those around You amazes me, Lord. You are such a personal, loving God.
When we travel, we see landmarks. When Jesus traveled, He saw faces.

The Lord watches over you
all who love him.
Psalm 145:20
My child, you can relax in My arms. I'm much more capable of protecting you than you are yourself. Are you terrorized by the events you see in My world? A thousand may fall all around you, but I will keep evil from your home. I am your watchman, and I have eyes in the back , front, and on the side! I can see in every direction what's coming your way. Nothing escapes My attention. Continue on faithfully, My child. I'm in control.
Just like a faithful security guard, wary of every surrounding detail, You keep watch over my life. I trust You, Lord, for You see before me and behind me. In daylight or dark, from every direction, I feel Your awesome protection. Thank You for being my watchman.
We are never out of sight or out of mind. God's love and light reach farther then the eye can see.

"How much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"
Matthew 7:11
Matthew 7:11
My child, I get so excited thinking up all the surprises I'd like to send your way. Gifts. Wonderful blessings to enrich your life. There's so much I want to do for and through you. But there's a catch. You limit Me, My child. Come, sit a while, and tell Me your heart's desires. You have not because you do not ask. Trust Me to take every desire and wrap it in the way I know will bless your life the most. Wait until you see what I've planned for you today.
Whatever You give, Lord, is good and perfect. You wrap each gift with tenderness, adorn it with love, and tie it up with ribbons of blessing that fill my days with heaven's best. Nothing that comes from Your hand is a mistake. You are the giver of good gifts. And I receive You gladly.
The best things in life are found in Jesus.
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